Dnes si povieme viac a slove „Crepe“. V blues sa používa aj v spojení „black crepe“ – ide o akúsi metaforu, ktorá ma deklarovať ochladnutie citov ktorú spevák či speváčka prechováva ku svojej milenke či milencovi. Toto slovo resp. metafora je zahalená aj istým rúškom tajomstva. V Booster blues napr Blind ”Lemon“ Jefferson spieva:
Excuse me woman, I won’t say that no more
I’m fixing to leave town and hang crepe on your door
Spojenie „hang crepe“ môže aj znamenať zveličenie zlej diagnózy o vašom zdravotnom stave. To zas neraz používali doktori ako taktiku, keď neskôr akoby zázrakom vyliečili svojho pacienta.
Booster Blues
Blind Lemon Jefferson
My right foot itches : something going on wrong
My right foot itching me : and I just can’t stay here long
I thought I’d write : but it’s the best to telephone
For that fast mail train : can carry your sugar so far from home
Girl I can’t live right : ain’t going to try no more
This woman’s left town : and she ain’t coming back no more
I went to the depot : and I set my suitcase down
I thought about my baby : and tears come rolling down
I said ticket agent : how long your train been gone
Say yon go the train : that this fair brown left here on
I couldn’t buy [me] no ticket : but I walked on to the door
Well my baby left town : she ain’t coming here no more
I got up this morning : my sure‑enough on my mind
I had to raise a conversation with the landlady : to keep from crying
Excuse me woman : I won’t say that no more
I’m fixing to leave town : and hang crepe on your door
Ján Sklenár
Apríl 2017